CS:4400 - Group 2 Project Website

Daniel Dagle, Yiqi Liu, Eric Trautsch
Spring 2023

Showcase of all Tables and their tuples

Inventory Table

part_id storage_area_id cost_per_unit quantity
1 1 15000.0 22
1 5 15500.0 8
2 1 3000.0 20
3 2 2000.0 15
4 3 5000.0 12
5 4 1000.0 25

Outgoing Table

customer_id employee_id storage_area_id part_id quantity profit_per_unit placed_on completed_on
1 2 1 1 2 2000.0 2023-04-01 10:00:00 2023-04-02 12:30:00
2 5 1 2 5 500.0 2023-04-10 14:30:00 2023-04-11 16:45:00
3 2 2 3 3 800.0 2023-04-15 09:00:00 2023-04-16 10:15:00
4 5 3 4 1 1000.0 2023-04-20 13:30:00 2023-04-21 15:00:00
5 2 4 5 10 200.0 2023-04-22 11:00:00 2023-04-23 12:00:00

Incoming Table

part_id storage_area_id employee_id supplier_id cost_per_unit quantity ordered_on received_on
1 1 3 1 13000.0 22 2023-03-01 10:00:00 2023-03-10 12:30:00
2 1 3 2 2500.0 10 2023-03-15 14:30:00 2023-03-20 16:45:00
3 2 4 3 1800.0 8 2023-03-25 09:00:00 2023-03-28 10:15:00
4 3 4 4 4500.0 6 2023-04-05 13:30:00 2023-04-10 15:00:00
5 4 3 5 800.0 15 2023-04-12 11:00:00 2023-04-18 12:00:00

Part Table

part_id description weight manufacturer material_type
1 Aircraft Engine 1500.0 EngineCorp Metal
2 Landing Gear 250.0 GearInc Aluminum
3 Fuel Tank 100.0 TankCo Composite
4 Avionics System 50.0 AvionicsTech Electronics
5 Wing Flap 75.0 FlapWorks Composite

StorageArea Table

storage_area_id area capacity location
1 A1 30 North
2 A2 1200 North
3 B1 1500 South
4 B2 800 South
5 C1 500 East
6 C2 900 East
7 D1 2000 West
8 D2 1100 West
9 E1 750 North
10 E2 600 North

Customer Table

customer_id name address phone email
1 Customer One 987 Cedar St, Anytown 555-123-9876 customerone@email.com
2 Customer Two 654 Spruce St, Anytown 555-234-8765 customertwo@email.com
3 Customer Three 321 Birch St, Anytown 555-345-7654 customerthree@email.com
4 Customer Four 198 Willow St, Anytown 555-456-6543 customerfour@email.com
5 Customer Five 567 Poplar St, Anytown 555-567-5432 customerfive@email.com

Supplier Table

supplier_id name address phone email
1 Supplier One 123 Main St, Anytown 555-111-1234 supplierone@email.com
2 Supplier Two 456 Oak St, Anytown 555-222-2345 suppliertwo@email.com
3 Supplier Three 789 Elm St, Anytown 555-333-3456 supplierthree@email.com
4 Supplier Four 321 Maple St, Anytown 555-444-4567 supplierfour@email.com
5 Supplier Five 654 Pine St, Anytown 555-555-5678 supplierfive@email.com

Employee Table

employee_id name address phone office_num email title hire_date
1 John Doe 111 First St, Anytown 555-321-0987 A1 johndoe@email.com Manager 2022-01-01
2 Jane Smith 222 Second St, Anytown 555-432-1987 A2 janesmith@email.com Sales 2022-02-15
3 Jim Brown 333 Third St, Anytown 555-543-2987 A3 jimbrown@email.com Warehouse Worker 2022-03-01
4 Sue Green 444 Fourth St, Anytown 555-654-3987 A4 suegreen@email.com Warehouse Worker 2022-04-15
5 Tom White 555 Fifth St, Anytown 555-765-4987 A5 tomwhite@email.com Sales 2022-05-01

Showcase of Views

inventory_summary View

part_id description manufacturer material_type total_quantity total_value
1 Aircraft Engine EngineCorp Metal 30 454000.0
2 Landing Gear GearInc Aluminum 20 60000.0
3 Fuel Tank TankCo Composite 15 30000.0
4 Avionics System AvionicsTech Electronics 12 60000.0
5 Wing Flap FlapWorks Composite 25 25000.0

customer_sales_summary View

customer_id customer_name total_sales total_profit
1 Customer One 2 4000.0
2 Customer Two 5 2500.0
3 Customer Three 3 2400.0
4 Customer Four 1 1000.0
5 Customer Five 10 2000.0

Showcase of SQL Queries

Find Part Query

Where can I find part id a specific part in the warehouse to pick and add to an outgoing shipment? (Using part_id 1 as an example)

part_id description storage_area_id area location quantity
1 Aircraft Engine 1 A1 North 22
1 Aircraft Engine 5 C1 East 8

Find Part Value

What is the total value of all parts of a certain type stored in the warehouse? (Using part id 1)

part_id total_value
1 454000.0

Find Empty Storage Areas

Which storage areas can accommodate a new part type? (of part id = 1)

storage_area_id area capacity location
6 C2 900 East
7 D1 2000 West
8 D2 1100 West
9 E1 750 North
10 E2 600 North

Highest Outgoing Demand

What part is in the highest outgoing demand? (involves join, aggregation, and subquery)

part_id description manufacturer material_type total_outgoing_quantity
5 Wing Flap FlapWorks Composite 10

Profits This Year

What are our profits for the current year? (involves join and aggregation)

This concludes our project website. Thank you!